Smart Integration & Automation
All Carbon Reduction Technology luminaires are smart system compatible and can be networked using a new or pre-existing system of the client's choice, or a system can be supplied and installed along with the new luminaires.
Local authority streetlights are supplied Smart City ready.

Eliminate wasted light
Smart functionality can add an additional layer of efficiency to an LED lighting system by cutting out any remaining wasted light. The first layer of waste reduction should come from an intelligent lighting design; the adjustable directionality of LED allows a lighting designer to remove lights which are no longer necessary upon upgrading from an older light source to LED, and to ensure excess light is not being produced to cover inaccessible areas, such as the top of tall fixtures.
The final layers of light waste are stripped away using daylight harvesting and PIR.
Daylighting Harvesting
Daylight harvesting uses sensors to continuously measure ambient light levels in a space, such as illumination through windows or skylights, and adjusts the output of each luminaire in that space to contribute only the artificial light required to bring lux levels up to the required, specified standard. This process happens automatically and adjustments are typically imperceptible to the human eye. In this way, a smart lighting network is able to capitalise on natural light to reduce energy expenditure.
PIR is particularly useful in areas which are not constantly staffed, such as storage areas, conference spaces, rest rooms or corridors. Sensors detect movement and raise the lights in the room. In larger areas, such as warehouses, the lights can be programmed to raise the lights in a smaller defined area or in one through-way between racking shelves. This approach can be used to turn the lights on and off, or to dim and raise levels, depending on the specific requirements of each space.
Emergency Lighting
Emergency lighting is a legal requirement in most facilities, as is regular testing. Emergency lighting is designed into CRT lighting networks as standard and is offered both with and without smart controls.
Strategic lights along planned evacuation routes will be fitted with battery packs and an appropriate driver; in the event that the facility loses main power, the emergency lighting will activate automatically.
The addition of smart controls allows automation of mandatory regular discharge testing. Testing can be scheduled to happen all at once, while the facility is empty, or one luminaire at a time, so testing can proceed while the facility is fully staffed and operational without causing disruption.

Monitoring & Reporting
Smart controls not only facilitate automation but also monitoring, data collection and analysis. With this intelligence, more informed decision making can occur.
Some of the most common analytics include:
Energy savings, including variable savings via daylight harvesting and PIR.
Carbon emissions savings
Instant alerts in the unlikely event that a luminaire requires maintenance
Safety light testing results and alerts if attention is required
Data available zone by zone, and overall