Coronavirus (COVID-19)
The Carbon Reduction Technology team have been working hard to put COVID-safe conditions in place so we can continue to provide business continuity to current and prospective clients. Here is an overview of how we’re handling contact with clients:
We’ve moved all meetings which don’t require face-to-face contact, or a site visit, online for the foreseeable future. We have a number of conferencing software options available, for your convenience. We are also able to teleconference.
To set up an e-meeting with one of our sales engineers, please contact us.
Site surveys, visits & maintenance
Where an on-site presence is unavoidable and we not in an active lockdown period, we have put protocols and training in place to protect our staff members, the integrity of the site and any other staff members or contractors on-site. Key actions include (but are not limited to):
Rigid time keeping
Staff members must be familiar with both CRT mandated safety precautions and site protocols
PPE must be worn and used correctly at all times, and cycled to fresh PPE when required, including masks and gloves. Any generated waste will be removed from the site. CRT staff members will also provide their own site-mandated PPE such as high-vis, earplugs, safety glasses, steel toe-cap boots and hardhats
Hands must be sanitised before entering site and at regular intervals
Government mandated social distancing must be observed at all times
Handshaking and physical contact has been prohibited for the foreseeable future
CRT employees must immediately isolate if they experience any symptoms of the virus
Staff numbers will be kept to the minimum required to effectively and safely meet the objective of the site visit
Equipment will be wiped down with anti-bacterial before leaving
Any physical handovers are packaged three days in advance
Although we are facing unprecedented times, we are working hard to ensure as uninterrupted service as possible. If you are a current client or would like to discuss a lighting upgrade with us, we encourage you to reach out to us, and are confident that we can find a COVID-safe solution which works for you.